Career Guidance

Top IT Interview Questions You Need to Know

By Shahrukh Zahir | October 25, 2023

Interview questions are a way for employers to determine which candidate or candidates are the best fit for an open position. Employers regularly use informative, concise questions, like “Tell me about yourself” and “What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?” to see how the candidate’s critical thinking skills are and how creative they can be. We want you to be prepared for questions a potential employer throws your way, so you’ll find the top IT interview questions you need to know below.

Related: Ace Your Next Interview

Top IT Interview Questions

Although there are dozens of IT interview questions you could answer, some are more common than others. They include: 

Why Should We Hire You?

Hiring me aligns the job posting’s requirements with my proven skills, ensuring you get a seamless fit into your current team. My expertise can directly address common problems you face, guaranteeing productivity goes up. I will contribute actively to the company’s goals while further honing my skills in a welcoming environment. 

What Do You Know About Our Company?

For this question, research before the interview to find the company’s mission, ethos, or challenges so you can address them. You could say, “I’m impressed by your commitment to (specific mission). Your recent initiatives in (particular project or area) align with my professional interests and values. I appreciate how you’re addressing (specific challenges), and I’m eager to be part of a forward-thinking company. 

Why Did You Decide To Go Into IT?

My fascination with technology and my passion for problem-solving drew me to the IT field. The ever-evolving world offers constant learning opportunities and challenges. By marrying innovative tech solutions with analytical thinking, I found a dynamic area where I can grow my skills and contribute.

What is Most Important to You in a Work Environment or About Your Role?

In a work environment, I value a collaborative spirit and open lines of communication. It’s critical that I’m in a setting where ideas get exchanged freely and innovation is encouraged. Regarding my role, the ability to make meaningful contributions to the team’s goals and having continuous learning opportunities are essential. 

What Are You Professionally Most Proud Of?

I’m most proud of (insert project where you helped your team overcome technical challenges or tight deadlines). Despite the odds, we delivered a solution that met the client’s needs without exceeding our deadline, showcasing innovative thinking, teamwork, and perseverance. 

Are you trying to source the right candidates that align with your company’s values and have the skills to fill vacancies? At Right Fit Advisors, we strive to match companies with the perfect candidates using tailored recruitment strategies and job advertising. 

How Would Your Former/Current Managers and Colleagues Describe You?

My former/current manager and colleagues would describe me as a diligent team player with strong problem-solving skills. They recognize my ability to stay composed and calm under pressure, communicate clearly, and push projects to completion while helping create a collaborative and positive working environment.

Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years?

In five years, I see myself in a leadership role, overseeing innovative projects that align with the company’s core values. Building on the skills I’ll learn here, I will mentor upcoming talents, contribute to strategic decision-making, and ensure our team stays at the forefront of the industry. 

Tell Me Something About Yourself That Isn’t On Your Resume

Along with my professional accomplishments, I’m a (something you like to do or a hobby, e.g., an avid traveler or amateur photographer). You can tie in this hobby or experience that influenced your collaborative approach to work. 

What Made You Apply For This Position?

I was drawn to this position because the company’s reputation for encouraging innovation aligns with my skills. The role has challenges that match my expertise, and the company’s values resonate with me. 

Team meeting in a boardroom

How Do You Handle Failure?

Failure is a learning opportunity, and I analyze what went wrong, find the lessons, and adapt my approach. Using failure as a stepping stone builds resilience while helping me improve, ensuring I’m better prepared to meet future


Related: Exploring the Role of Soft Skills in Tech

Why Are You Leaving Your Current Role?

While my current role allowed me to gain valuable experience, I’m looking for new challenges that align with my long-term career aspirations. This position allows for growth, and the work ensures continued professional development. 

What Are Your Greatest Strengths?

My greatest strengths include analytical thinking and strong communication skills. My adaptability also ensures that I thrive in dynamic environments and am ready to embrace new technology and tools. 

What Are Your Greatest Weaknesses?

One significant weakness is being too self-critical, leading me to spend time perfecting tasks. It ensures quality, but it can negatively impact my efficiency. I’m working on delegating more because I tend to take on a lot of responsibilities, which is well-intentioned, but it can stretch me thin.  

What’s Your Approach To Workplace Conflict?

Actively listening is critical to understanding every perspective involved in the conflict, and open communication is essential. I address issues promptly, find common ground, and bring in a solution-oriented mindset. 

How Would You Ensure the Security of a Computer Network?

I’d implement multi-layered defenses, including firewalls, regular updates, intrusion detection systems, and enforcing strict access controls. Frequent security audits, continuous monitoring, and employee training are crucial with a proactive approach and fast response protocols.

Tell Me About Your Work Pace? 

I keep an organized and steady working pace, prioritizing tasks to ensure I meet my deadlines without the quality suffering. While I can handle high-pressure situations, I value proactive planning and time management to help reduce last-minute rushes. 

If We Ask You to Do Something You Don’t Know How, What Would You Do?

For unfamiliar tasks, I research and look at online resources or documents to better understand the project’s scope. If this doesn’t help, I’ll ask a colleague or experts inside the company for advice.

No matter your tech-aligned industry, Right Fit Advisors has a solution to help fill the gap and screen the best candidates to boost your company culture and productivity. We invite you to contact us to start the process and get tailored solutions that work. 

What’s the Riskiest Thing You’ve Ever Done and What Was the Result?

I once pushed for an unusual solution to a project problem, even though some people were initially skeptical. It was a risk because the method hadn’t been tried before.


How Do You Approach Difficult IT Problems?

I start by breaking a complex problem into manageable chunks. Analyzing the problem and researching helps find the root causes, and working with colleagues helps bring in fresh perspectives. I emphasized clear documentation of the problem and how we resolved it, ensuring we can improve in the future.  

Have You Ever Taken the Lead on a Project? Tell Me About It

Yes, I (insert project here). I coordinated with teams, set milestones, and managed the project timeline. By creating open communication and addressing bottlenecks before they happened, we delivered the project while improving the system. 

How Do You Stay Up-To-Date With New Technology?

I stay updated with new technology by attending conferences and workshops, subscribing to industry journals, being active in online forums, and talking to my peers. I also like experimenting with new platforms and tools to get a feel for their practical applications.

Asking The Right IT Interview Questions

A man and woman sitting down in a interview

Choosing the right IT interview questions is vital to finding the best candidates. Employers can find candidates who are not only technically skilled but also fit in with the company’s values and work well with others by looking at a mix of technical, problem-solving, and people skills.

Related: Transferable Tech Skills

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